Information for the interested parties
Information about job vacancies are published on internet site You can also contact us by e-mail to:
Telephone: 043/4913 877
If you would like to apply for a job, please send us your curriculum vitae and letter of motivation by e-mail or by mail. After we receive your letter of motivation and curriculum vitae, our personal department will assess and evaluate your qualification and abilities for the offered job. Candidates who meet the requirements for the job vacancy will be contacted and invited for an interview.
Open competition
The open competition can consist of several rounds and a candidate will attend personal interviews. Results of individual candidates will be assessed according to the number of candidates in no more than 3 weeks. All candidates invited for an interview will be contacted again and informed of the results.
Letter of motivation
Letter of motivation is intended to introduce a candidate for the job vacancy. It should specify why the applicant applies for the position, to emphasise his or her specific abilities and characteristics that comply with or surpass requirements of the offered job.
Curriculum vitae
A curriculum vitae must include all the most important facts that relate to the offered job position. It must include information of education, courses, trainings, work experience and a brief description of activities an applicant had been doing, his or her abilities, skills and other advantages offered to our company. Please do not forget to state your telephone number in the letter of motivation or in the curriculum vitae.
Please state at the end of your letter of motivation or curriculum vitae that you agree with administration, processing and storage of your personal data in the database of Slovenské liečebné kúpele Turčianske Teplice, a.s. in accordance with Act No. 428/200 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data.